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My mother jokes that I was born in the whelping box.  In a way, that's not too far from the truth.  I grew up surrounded by dogs and immersed in their behaviors and social structures.   I got my start in dog training officially at the age of 8 yrs old, when I started competing in AKC Junior Showmanship competition; however, it was a common sight to see me as a much younger child (4 yrs old to be exact) teaching the dogs to do tricks/stunts or put on "performances" to entertain myself. In my early teen years, I began training in classical obedience, played around a little with agility (before it was a sanctioned sport), and often did individual puppy socialization and training for local show breeders. My training (and education along the way) has continued to the present day. 

I have earned three Companion Dog (CD) titles on my Collies but they really didn't enjoy it, so I set that aside and focused on more entertaining sports.

I began training and competing in Rally Obedience in the early 2000s with my Collies, and have earned titles in AKC, UKC, and WWKC. 

After seeing terrier racing on TV, I knew that was something I wanted to do.  Sadly, with my Collies this was not possible, so the search began for my new "fun" breed to add to my Collie pack. I have had other breeds over the years, but none that really struck me as THE ONE. 

I tried to find a rescue Jack Russell Terrier that wasn't dog aggressive ... you know, doing "my part" to help the homeless dogs.  Unfortunately, every dog I went to see had either physical or temperament problems, therefore would not be candidates for my busy performance dog lifestyle, so I continued my search.  I had seen the American Hairless Terriers at a UKC Conformation event and was intrigued by their sweet yet alert terrier personality.  Then I discovered that the breeder I had been communicating with had an available coated puppy and I was sold on the breed.  So much so, that six months later, I ended up with a litter sister to the dog I purchased! 

Presently, my performance dog passion has turned to Terrier (Drag) Racing and Coursing Ability/Aptitude Testing with my American Hairless Terriers.


Personal dog training: 1978 to present.
Misc. animal handling (as a veterinary technician): 1984 to 1998.

Private and group obedience training: 1986 to present.
AKC Canine Good Citizen Evaluator: 2004 to present.

UKC Terrier Racing Judge: 2012 - present.



Conformation ‘International’ Champion (International All Breed Canine Assoc.)

Conformation Champion (United Kennel Club)

Conformation Grand Champion (United Kennel Club)

Certificate of Merit (American Kennel Club)

Conformation Champion (American Kennel Club)



Canine Good Citizen (American Kennel Club)

Companion Dog (American Kennel Club and World Wide Kennel Club)

Rally Novice (American Kennel Club, United Kennel Club, and World Wide Kennel Club)

Rally Advanced (American Kennel Club, United Kennel Club, and World Wide Kennel Club)

Rally Excellent/Master (American Kennel Club/World Wide Kennel Club)


Back Pack Dog (American Working Collie Assoc.)


United Flat Racer (United Kennel Club)

United Flat Racer Champion (United Kennel Club)

United Flat Racer Grand Champion (United Kennel Club)

United Steeplechase Racer (United Kennel Club)

United Steeplechase Racer Champion (United Kennel Club)


Coursing Ability (American Kennel Club)

Coursing Aptitude (United Kennel Club)

Coursing Aptitude Excellent (United Kennel Club)



Temperament Tested certificate (American Temperament Test Society)

Herding Instinct Certificate (American Working Collie Association)

I still love showing and take any opportunity I can to help others.

I do not accept any form of payment for showing these dogs; I do it because it is what I've been doing my entire life!

Below are all from UKC shows, hence the occasional more "casual" look when showing (especially outdoors).

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Luna the Chinook,

             Annie the Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog                                                                                                                                              right before we won Reserve BIMBS!


Clea the Chinook



              Miko the Briard                                                                                                                                                                                                           Stella the French Bulldog